Monday, October 1, 2007

My trip around the solar system

Hi friends! Here is my latest poem! It is called

My trip around the solar system

I strode along the planets,
Near and far.
I did quite a lot of things,
Listen, here they are:

First I went to mercury,
As per my desire.
But when I stepped upon the land,
My insides were on fire!

I hastened to go to Venus,
Knowing it was Earth's twin.
But it was even worse than Mercury,
Like a volcano bubbling to the brim!

I then proceeded to Mars,
As stealthily as a fox.
But what I saw disappointed me,T
here was nothing there but rocks!

My next trip to Jupiter,
Really was quite fun.
It was bigger than the biggest playground,
With so much place to run!

Next in line was Saturn,
Surrounded by a great big ring.
I went slipping and sliding, up and down,
'Till it was quite tiring.

Now had come Uranus,
It really was quite bland.
The only special thing was,
It had a lot of sand.

Last but one was Neptune,
In a pretty turquoise blue.
It was starting to get real cold,
But as to why I had no clue.

Last but not least was Pluto,
Looking so tiny and shy.
But then I shivered! It was freezing!
For it was not so very dry.

My trip of the planets is over,
It was wonderful to tell you the truth.
Now you can go and see them,
And tell me if you liked it too!

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